Wendy Mak

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Join the October Capsule Wardrobe challenge

During the month of August in Sydney, I spent the month documenting how I lived with a 30x30 wardrobe - 30 pieces, for 30 days worth of outfits (or 31 days to be exact!). My aim was to show you that living and breathing the capsule wardrobe philosophy is very do-able, while still giving you variety and options in your outfits.

It was a challenge indeed as I stayed true to the philosophy in my book and included shoes and bags in my 30 pieces. However as you can see in the following pics, it's not hard to keep things fun and interesting - even if you're working with a small, minimal wardrobe.

Days 1-9

A re-cap on some tips when it comes to living a capsule wardrobe lifestyle:

1.  Keep "statement" pieces to a minimum

Statement pieces - while fun - are by nature, statements. This means they're distinctive and memorable, which makes it hard to get value in terms of how many times you can wear it and style it in to different looks. Keep the balance at about 6 statement pieces if you're doing a 30 piece capsule.

2. Mix light and dark pieces

Select a mix of lighter and darker pieces in your capsule. Too much of either won't allow yo enough variety in your outfits. If you're moving in to fall or winter, you'll naturally have a few more in darker fall colours, but don't forget to pepper it here and there with some lighter items. (The same goes in reverse if you're moving into Spring / Summer.)

3. Don't underestimate the power of accessories

Adding accessories, from belts to scarves and necklaces have made all the difference in keeping my outfits looking different - and stopping me from getting bored!!

Days 10 -18

Day 19 - 27

Join me for the October Capsule Wardrobe Challenge!

Now that you've been able to see first-hand how the capsule wardrobe works, why not join me for the October challenge?

It's simple, and you can join at any time during the month:

  1. Choose your 30 pieces of clothing that will form your capsule wardrobe

  2. Mix and match these as creatively as you wish (add as many accessories as you like)

  3. Post your outfits on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #30Pieces30Days and #WendyMak so that I can find, support and applaud you!!

Days 28-31

This time round there's two ways you can join me in the challenge - find out all the details here!

With wardrobe happiness,