Hi, my name is Wendy and it's been 5 years and 49 days since my last blog post.

And friend, things have changed since then!

JUL 14, 2023

New beginnings are hard.

You probably signed up to my mailing list a million moons ago. Back then, I was known for my fashion & style blog, and my book The Capsule Wardrobe. Well, a few things have changed since then…

1. My body changed

Fashion’s changed since my last blog (so has technology btw, no one “blogs” anymore - everyone writes newsletters on Substack or they’re TikTok-ing, and now “Thread-ing”!).

My bod has also changed! Gravity and time mean things have started to head south - boobs, knees, underarms, you name it! My sister warned me that even our lips start to droop, making one look like you have the dreaded “resting b——h face”. This too happened and now I semi-smile even when not speaking, to give the illusion that I am a nice person.

I’ve found white hairs, everywhere. From my head to… well, everywhere! I need good light and glasses to read. My left hip makes a clicking sound when I move. I got pudgy in my tummy. I’m grateful for a chair at Robbie Williams’ concert and I actively choose sneakers over heels.

In short, the fashion I used to wear, doesn’t work anymore. But on the plus side, my personality is divinely confident compared to my 20’s and I’ve learnt how to (finally) save so that I buy only beautiful pieces I love. I shop less often and make it count when I do, living by the minimalist wardrobe principles of my book.

(Also, I’ve learnt how to hide my muffin top really well so that I can continue to eat muffins! And sausage rolls! Because life is really too short to not enjoy!!)

2. I got vain

Don’t get me wrong - I’m technically mid-40s on paper. But…. I still feel like I’m 30 and I refuse to look my age. I used to feel bad saying that btw - for all the judgement of being “vain”. But to heck with it.

I pat on all the potions and lotions I can afford to keep the wrinkles at bay. And so far, so good - my potions have helped me hold off getting any kind of Botox until last week, at the grand old age of 45!

(Stay tuned as I explore whether I’m willing to do more! Will also be actively seeking out your suggestions and experiences on all things cosmetic!)

Side note: For those interested, my beauty regime is not expensive La Mer - it’s an Australian chemist compounded formula that is literally just $88 a bottle for 2 months. My skin has never looked better, even when I was spending ridic money on expensive serums and all the things. And no, this is not a sponsored product, I just really like it!

3. Life got in the way

Life also got in the way over the last 5 years.

I got divorced. I went back to corporate life / work. I made new friends, lost some friends. I did online dating (scary but successful in the end!). I survived COVID. I hit peri-menopause (If anyone needs a recommendation for really amazing cooling bedsheets / blanket for those annoying night sweats, these are the ones!!! They have been a life-saver for me ana again, not sponsored…)

And my biggest lesson from all that? No one talks about this kind of stuff enough. It still feels taboo for women to say “I’m having a mid-life crisis, hear me ROAR”.

The joy is we don’t want to (or have to!) do “mid-life” alone. And my joy is that I have this community. This little community of people who liked what I had to say on my blog and I figured, “hey - maybe they’ll still be there and we can navigate aging gracefully together”.

4. Here we are!

And so here we are. Mid-life. With all its messiness, hot flushes and fragility, but also all the fun and joy it brings as we realise we’re still in pretty good nick, with bonus points for being sexier, wittier, braver and wiser than ever.

This is the age where there’s still so much possibility in our lives (if we’re willing to let it in). New relationships, enduring friendships, the joy of seeing our offspring thrive and the angst as we watch our parents age. Confidence at work, colourful conversations with our friends, only to be offset by counting all the places where we ache today.

And while you can’t unsubscribe from mid-life, you can unsubscribe from this newsletter. But if you’ve read this far, chances are you’re probably looking for a space to learn and laugh together (ironically, Learn & Laugh was also the name of my niece’s kindy…) about these topics and more:

  • fillers (yes or no - debate)

  • how to cope when it feels like you’re looking after everyone but yourself

  • losing weight (and by that I mean the negative people in your life who only weigh you down)

  • why kids only communicate with letters and not words anymore (IDK but ILYSM)

  • the ladies who are doing this phase of life super awesomely

  • how we are sexier at this age than ever

  • my fave beauty products to hack looking 10 years younger (no guarantees!)

  • the fashion I love now for my 40+ body (which by the way, rocks because it STILL WORKS and I’m grateful every day I can do a squat and get up!!)

So there you have it. I’m back everybody, I’m back :) and I’d love you to join me on this little ride.

If you’ve enjoyed this read… sign up to my Substack newsletter below so we can Age Gracefully(ish) together through mid-life!